Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : Françoise Baude, Algorithmique et Programmation en Java, 70 H eqTD, niveau L2, Polytech'Nice Sophia, UNS, France

  • Licence : Françoise Baude, Introduction au Web (new course setup), 30 H eqTD, niveau L2, Polytech'Nice Sophia, UNS, France

  • Licence : Olivier Dalle, Systèmes Informatiques, 36 H eqTD, niveau L1, UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Licence : Olivier Dalle, Projet Scientifique Informatique, 33 H eqTD, niveau L2, UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Licence : Olivier Dalle, Systèmes d'Exploitation, 54 H eqTD, niveau L2, UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Licence : Olivier Dalle, Initiation Framework Programmation Serveur, 63 H eqTD, niveau L3, UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Licence : Fabien Hermenier, Algorithmique et Programmation en Java, 70 H eqTD, niveau L2, Polytech'Nice Sophia, UNS, France

  • Licence : Fabien Hermenier, Introduction à Internet, 103 H eqTD, niveau L2, Polytech'Nice Sophia, UNS, France

  • Licence : Fabien Hermenier, Outils pour le Génie Logiciel 14 H eqTD, niveauau L3/SI3, Polytech'Nice Sophia, UNS, France

  • Licence : Justine Rochas, TP de Programmation Orientée Objet 18 H eqTD, niveau L3, UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Master : Françoise Baude, Applications Réparties, 45 H eqTD, niveau M1/SI4, Polytech'Nice Sophia, UNS, France

  • Master : Françoise Baude and Ludovic Henrio, Distributed systems: an Algorithmic approach, 17 H + 17 h eqTD, niveau M2, Polytech'Nice Sophia/UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Master : Olivier Dalle, Systèmes Distribués, 9 H eqTD, niveau M1, UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Master : Fabrice Huet, Programmation Parallèle et Distribuée, 63h eqTD, niveau M1, UFR SCiences, UNS, France

  • Master : Fabrice Huet, Programmation Avancée, 78h eqTD, niveau M1, UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Master : Justine Rochas, TP de Systèmes Distribués 24 H eqTD, niveau M1, UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Master : Justine Rochas, TP de Technologies XML 24 H eqTD, niveau M1, UFR Sciences, UNS, France

  • Summer School : Eric Madelaine, “Designing, programming, and verifying distributed systems”, 9 H eqTD, East China Normal University Shanghai, China.

    Françoise Baude was Innovation and Entrepreneurship coordinator for the ICT Labs Summer school on Urban Life and Mobility, organized from june 29th to july 11th 2014 at Eurecom (supervision, evaluation and ranking of student teams from an educational perspective).


  • PhD : Laurent Pellegrino, “Pushing dynamic and ubiquitous event-based interaction in the Internet of services: a middleware for event clouds”, UNS, 3/4/2014, Françoise Baude, Fabrice Huet.

  • PhD: Yanwen Chen, “Formal model and Scheduling for cyberphysical systems”, cotutelle between UNS and ECNU Shanghai, 30/11/2014, advisors Eric Madelaine and Yixiang Chen

  • PhD: Nuno Gaspar, “Integrated, Autonomic, and Reliable Deployment and Management for SaaS composite applications”, UNS, 16/12/2014, advisor: Eric Madelaine

  • PhD in progress: Michaël Benguigui, “Modèles de programmation pour l'analyse de données sur machines multi-cœurs, grilles et clouds”, since Dec 2011, advisor Françoise Baude.

  • PhD in progress: Maeva Antoine, “Plateforme élastique pour le stockage et la notification d'Evènements”, since Oct. 2012, advisors Eric Madelaine and Fabrice Huet

  • PhD in progress: Sophie Song, “Publish-Subscribe Models for Large Scale Data Analysis Frameworks”, since Feb. 2013, advisor Fabrice Huet and Frédéric Margoulés (ECP)

  • PhD in progress: Damian Vicino, “Simulation-based Open Science in the Cloud”, since Jan. 2013, advisors Françoise Baude, Gabriel Wainer (Carleton University, Canada), and Olivier Dalle.

  • PhD in progress : Vincent Kerbache, “Resource Management in a Cloud Supplied with Renewable Energies”, since Sep. 2013, advisors Eric Madelaine and Fabien Hermenier

  • PhD in progress : Oleksandra Kulankhina, “Model-driven environment for the development of safe component-based distributed applications”, since Oct. 2013, advisor Eric Madelaine

  • PhD in progress: Justine Rochas, “Programming model and middleware support for distributed and concurrent applications”, since Oct. 2013, advisor Ludovic Henrio

  • PhD in progress: Hlib Mykhailenko,“Probabilistic Approaches for Big Data Analytics”, since March. 2014, advisors Fabrice Huet, Philippe Nain (Inria)

  • PhD in progress: Vincenzo Mastandrea, “Deadlock analysis for concurrent and distributed programming”, since Oct. 2014, advisors Ludovic Henrio and Cosimo Laneve.


  • Françoise Baude was jury president for the PhD of Gauthier Berthou (Université de Grenoble), jury member for the PhD of Pierre-Louis Aublin (Université de Grenoble), reviewer and jury member for the PhD of Fawaz Paraiso (Université de Lille 1), of Mohamed Mohamed (INT Telecom Paris-Sud, Université d'Evry), of Soguy Mak-Karé Gueye (Université de Grenoble).

  • Ludovic Henrio was jury member for the PhD of Karl Palmskog (KTH); he was reviewer and jury member for the PhD of Thomas Pinsard (Université d'Orléans).

  • Fabien Hermenier co-reviewed (with F. Baude) the PhD thesis of Christine Mayap Kamga (University of Toulouse) and an expert for a CIFRE thesis grant.

  • Fabrice Huet reviewed the PhD thesis of Roelof Kemp (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam).

  • Eric Madelaine was reviewer for the PhD of M. Donc Ruzhen, University of Pisa